Profesores de inglés del Valle de Elqui analizaron estrategias exitosas en el aprendizaje del idioma

14 escuelas de la Red de Mejoramiento We Learn se reunieron en una nueva sesión de aprendizaje buscando fortalecer su trabajo colaborativo.

Profesores de inglés y equipos directivos de 14 establecimientos municipales de las comunas de Paihuano y Vicuña, en el Valle de Elqui, se reunieron para analizar el trabajo realizado durante el año y compartir aquellas estrategias y acciones que permitieron potenciar en sus estudiantes el uso de este idioma extranjero desde edad temprana.

Desde hace tres años estas escuelas son parte de la Red de Mejoramiento We Learn, que tiene como propósito fomentar el trabajo colaborativo entre establecimientos que tienen objetivos comunes de aprendizaje y que se sustenta en el trabajo desarrollado por los docentes de inglés en el aula y por los equipos directivos a nivel de gestión en sus escuelas, para potenciar los resultados alcanzados por los estudiantes.

Desarrollar interacciones de calidad para lograr los aprendizajes, generar espacios para que los estudiantes aprendan en base a sus propios desafíos y potenciar el liderazgo pedagógico a través del análisis de datos son los temas que se han abordado en el trabajo de este año y serán la base para proyectar las opciones de mejora y desafíos para 2020.

La jefa del programa We Learn de Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Paz Collao, destacó que “este tercer año hemos visto grandes avances, especialmente en el trabajo colaborativo que realizan las escuelas para contribuir al aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Esta sesión de aprendizaje ha sido una nueva oportunidad para que los equipos de las escuelas compartan sus aprendizajes y logros con sus escuelas vecinas, fortaleciendo la innovación y el progreso a través del trabajo en red”

“Siento que esto me puede ayudar bastante en el futuro para tener más oportunidades”

Emilio Neculñir, uno de los 28 jóvenes del Valle de Elqui que participó del “English Winter Camp” para seguir mejorando sus habilidades en inglés durante la primera semana de vacaciones de invierno, valoró positivamente la iniciativa de Fundación Educacional Oportunidad que finalizó este viernes.

Tres días de sus vacaciones de invierno destinaron 28 jóvenes de segundo y tercero medio del Valle de Elqui para formar parte del “English Winter Camp”, instancia que buscaba potenciar la práctica del inglés a través de la interacción de los estudiantes con profesionales angloparlantes y docentes de inglés en diversas situaciones, siempre de manera lúdica y creativa.

Durante el año escolar, estos jóvenes de la escuela Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas de Vicuña y el Liceo Mistraliano de Paihuano forman parte del programa We Learn Access que Fundación Educacional Oportunidad desarrolla en convenio con la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Chile y en alianza con Beyond English para otorgarles horas extra de inglés en un horario fuera de clases y a las que acuden de manera voluntaria.

En el campamento de inglés, desarrollado durante la primera semana de las vacaciones de invierno, los 28 jóvenes se reunieron en la escuela Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas para continuar perfeccionándose en el idioma. “Siento que esto me puede ayudar bastante en el futuro para tener más oportunidades. He aprendido harto en estos días al pasar tantas horas en este campamento donde se aprende mucho inglés”, dijo Emilio Neculñir del Liceo Mistraliano al cierre del English Winter Camp realizado este viernes 19 de julio con la presencia de los familiares de los jóvenes.

Igualmente, Dayanara Ramírez, de la escuela Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas, valoró los avances que han tenido: “Siento que mejoramos mucho porque entendemos lo que la miss nos habla en inglés y también pronunciamos y escribimos mejor”.

La jefa del programa We Learn de Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Paz Collao, explicó que “el tiempo de exposición es clave en el aprendizaje de un idioma. Estos días en que los estudiantes han tenido la posibilidad de estar expuestos durante toda la jornada al idioma, comunicándose con sus profesores y con profesionales angloparlantes, realmente ha movilizado y mejorado mucho su nivel de inglés”.

Asimismo, la profesional angloparlante de Beyond English, Sophia Skaff, señaló que el campamento “es una buena oportunidad para que puedan practicar el idioma. Siento que el ambiente más tranquilo de las vacaciones de invierno hace que estén más relajados para conversar en inglés con nosotros y entre ellos mismos”.

Equipo We Learn visitó escuelas de Puerto Natales que forman parte del programa piloto de inglés

Realizar observación de clases y reflexionar con los docentes sobre sus prácticas pedagógicas y el impacto de éstas en los aprendizajes de los niños fueron los objetivos de los encuentros.

Durante una semana, del 10 al 14 de junio, los docentes y directivos de las escuelas Baudilia Avendaño de Yousuff, Coronel Santiago Bueras, Capitán Juan Ladrillero y Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins de Puerto Natales recibieron al equipo We Learn que realiza seguimiento al programa piloto que, durante los años 2019 y 2020, potenciará el inglés de cerca de 600 niños y niñas de la zona.

Este piloto, que realiza Fundación Educacional Oportunidad junto a la Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia y la Corporación Municipal de Puerto Natales, comenzó a implementarse en marzo y en esta etapa del año correspondió analizar junto a docentes y directivos el estado de avance y analizar las posibles mejoras a implementar en lo que queda del periodo escolar.

El equipo We Learn realizó, además, observación de clases y reflexionó con los docentes sobre sus prácticas pedagógicas y el impacto de éstas en los aprendizajes de los niños.

Trinidad Castro, del área de Transferencia de Aprendizajes de Fundación Educacional Oportunidad destacó el trabajo realizado en la visita a la región de Magallanes. “Trabajamos con docentes y equipos directivos con la metodología de mejora continua que les permite a las escuelas identificar en qué cosas van mejorando, dónde requieren un poco más de ayuda, e ir diseñando sus propias estrategias que les permitan avanzar y cumplir sus objetivos”, explicó.


Para potenciar el trabajo y con el objetivo de mostrar la experiencia de 12 años de trabajo de We Learn en el Valle de Elqui, el director de la escuela Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas de Vicuña, Ruperto Pizarro, fue invitado a compartir con los equipos de las escuelas de Puerto Natales. “Ha sido una buena instancia para contar nuestra experiencia y cómo el programa ha permitido instalar habilidades y desarrollar competencias de inglés en los niños desde muy temprana edad”.

Ruperto Pizarro, que además fue finalista del concurso Global Teacher Prize Chile, conocido popularmente como el Nobel de los profesores, valoró que We Learn se esté desarrollando en Puerto Natales, ya que “al igual que el Valle de Elqui tiene un contexto turístico, llegan muchos extranjeros, y que los niños y jóvenes tengan las herramientas para desenvolverse hablando en este idioma es una gran ventaja”.

Jóvenes del Valle de Elqui guiarán a visitantes de habla inglesa durante el eclipse solar

Alumnos de segundo y tercero medio de las comunas de Vicuña y Paihuano que participan del Programa We Learn Access, se preparan desde el año pasado para ser anfitriones de los visitantes angloparlantes que llegarán al Valle de Elqui a presenciar el fenómeno astronómico más importante del siglo.  

El martes 2 de julio se producirá un eclipse solar que será visible desde una franja del Océano Pacífico y parte de América del Sur y, si bien este fenómeno, que ha sido catalogado como el evento astronómico más importante del siglo, se podrá ver parcialmente en todo nuestro país, la región de Coquimbo será el lugar desde donde se podrá disfrutar este acontecimiento en toda su plenitud.  

La alta presencia de visitantes angloparlantes y la cobertura periodística internacional será el escenario ideal para que los 30 estudiantes de segundo y tercero medio del programa We Learn Access de Fundación Educacional Oportunidad y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Chile, con el apoyo de las respectivas comunas, pongan en práctica sus conocimientos.

Desde el año 2018, estos jóvenes participan voluntariamente del programa desarrollando habilidades de liderazgo y comunicación en torno a iniciativas que promuevan la astronomía, la protección del medio ambiente y la identidad cultural de la zona. Como parte de las actividades de este año, los jóvenes serán anfitriones de turistas angloparlantes que visiten sus comunas para presenciar el eclipse.

El mismo día del evento, un grupo de estudiantes estará en la Plaza Gabriela Mistral de Vicuña, donde se pondrán a disposición de las visitas de habla inglesa y realizarán “city tours” por los principales atractivos turísticos de la comuna. Estos recorridos se realizarán en duplas de estudiantes y serán gratis para los interesados. 

Por su parte, el día anterior, estudiantes de Paihuano estarán en la plaza de la comuna ofreciendo reseñas históricas a los extranjeros y poniendo en valor el patrimonio histórico de la localidad y entregando alternativas de recorridos y sitios para visitar una vez terminado el fenómeno astronómico.


Fundación Educacional Oportunidad implementa desde hace 12 años el programa de enseñanza temprana del inglés “We Learn” en escuelas públicas del Valle de Elqui en la región de Coquimbo, beneficiando a más de mil alumnos de prekínder a octavo básico cada año. “We Learn Access” da continuidad a esta iniciativa, para que los alumnos de enseñanza media puedan seguir perfeccionando su manejo de esta lengua extranjera y puedan ampliar así sus oportunidades laborales futuras.

Note from Columbia Global Centers: We Learn Access Program Wraps Up First Year

Columbia Global Centers | Santiago collaborates in the organization of academic activities within the We Learn Access program. This program, implemented by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad in partnership with the US Embassy in Chile, is meant to create and expand personal, academic and eventual work opportunities for youth by significantly improving learning and education.

In November, students, teachers, municipal authorities and academics in northern Chile's rural Elqui Valley celebrated the half-way mark of the two-year English programme for students from public rural schools, We Learn Access.

As part of the event, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Director of Universidad del Desarrollo's Sustainability Research Center and Strategic Resource Management (CiSGER) as well as research associate at Columbia's Earth Engineering Center, gave a series of presentations regarding environmental protection.

"The experience was very rewarding because it was with people who normally don't have access to this kind of presentation, this knowledge. Looking at their faces - especially the mothers and fathers, the adults - I could see that they were interested in the subject, that it made sense to them," says Godoy. "It was worth having come, as these types of things often fail to reach places like this. It should happen more frequently.

Participating Access students from the Liceo Mistraliano school, located in the rural Paihuano district, expressed gratitude for Godoy's visit, and several were surprised to learn that they themselves can take action to help fight global warming and do their part in combating climate change, with actions as simple as altering their food and purchase preferences.

"The fact that the presentation was done in English is fundamental", notes Ana Ochoa, principal of Liceo Mistraliano. "The Access program aims for children to be able to develop skills in English, so that they can listen, speak and ask questions. With different experiences such as this presentation, we're supporting them in developing these skills".

"The topics addressed are totally current, and are directly related to what is happening in Elqui Valley. The subject makes a lot of sense for our students", she adds.

Columbia Global Centers | Santiago collaborates in the organization of academic activities within the We Learn Access program. This program, implemented by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad in partnership with the US Embassy in Chile, is meant to create and expand personal, academic and eventual work opportunities for youth by significantly improving learning and education.

The We Learn Access program offers advanced English training to high school students in Elqui Valley. The program focuses on four areas: astronomy, cultural identity, care of the environment and youth leadership, led by English teachers and English-speaking professionals, with the goal of promoting cultural exchange and awareness of global issues.

Kiss and Taylor Swift were the stars of the "Talent Show 2018".

Through a communal artistic event in English, Coinco seeks to promote the learning of this foreign language in the students of its municipal schools, encouraging the involvement of teachers of various subjects and parents.

More than 170 students from four municipal schools in the Coinco commune gathered to perform their first "Talent Show", an artistic and cultural event where students from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade showed their English skills through dance and singing.

In the activity, 12 artistic performances were presented (3 per school), including the presentation of the group Kiss from 5th and 6th grade of the El Rulo School, the dance and singing of Taylor Swift from 4th B of the Huallilén School, the animal song "Wag your tail" with the children of the Chillehue School and the mix of songs by the pupils of Copequén.

For Pamela Vidal, mother of Cristina Millanes from El Rulo, "it is an excellent initiative, as the children have more activities in English and thus learn to communicate better in this foreign language, and these activities also allow them to interact more with other schools". Lesly Monardes, a parent, valued the activity, as "they are very entertaining and innovative activities that are done here in the village".

Performing at this community event is part of a long process that requires the development of an idea, learning the song in English, making the costume production, long hours of rehearsal and to top it all off, being selected among the top performers of their school for the community event, after an internal event where all the school's classes perform their song.

"In this Talent Show we saw the work of the teachers all year long and the coordination between them. To hear the children speak and sing in English in such a fluent way is wonderful," said Coinco's Technical Director, Marlene González.

English teacher Martina Garay has been teaching in the commune for three years and is happy with the progress made by her students. "All the children are very happy and the parents are happy with their children. In these years, the change is very noticeable and this type of activity motivates them to be in the English class", says the teacher.

The event is part of the activities that seek to promote English in the schools of the commune through We Learn Net, a network that was born after several years of collaboration between the Municipality of Coinco and Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, with the aim of promoting the teaching of English from an early age and sharing strategies that arise from the We Learn programme in the fourth region. Coinco is the founding commune of the network, and next year San Vicente de Tagua Tagua will join.

"Our early English teaching programme We Learn was born 12 years ago in the Elqui Valley and 3 years ago it added the commune of Coinco as part of We Learn Net. Our idea is to add new communes that are interested in promoting the learning of this language from the early years. In 2019, together with the Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia, we will implement it in Puerto Natales. In this way, we are creating a large network to improve the teaching of English", emphasised Marcela Marzolo, executive director of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad.

First year of the We Learn Access scholarship programme comes to an end

After an intensive period of theoretical and practical classes and extracurricular activities, the students, teachers and municipalities of the We Learn Access programme of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad and the U.S. Embassy in Chile, made a positive balance of this first year of joint work.

With the presence of community authorities, parents, English teachers, management teams and of course the students of the Liceo Mistraliano de Paihuano and the Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas school in Vicuña, the first year of the We Learn Access programme came to a close, with a positive balance for students and teaching teams.

The Access initiative, carried out by the U.S. Embassy in more than 80 countries, was carried out for the first time in the Elqui Valley in alliance with Fundación Educacional Oportunidad to provide scholarships for two years (360 hours) to first and second year students from Vicuña and Paihuano to learn English intensively through classes in addition to the Ministry's curriculum and outside the regular timetable, in which technology, games, projects and music are cross-cutting elements in each unit of study. The ultimate goal is for students to achieve an upper-intermediate level of English (B2 according to the Common European Framework).

During this year, Access students participated in different activities framed in 4 thematic axes: astronomy, environmental protection, cultural identity and leadership skills, which allowed them to learn English in a practical way through experiences such as: modelling their clothes, creating Halloween stories, going out to meet neighbours, explaining food recipes, describing their community and school, among others.

Regarding these activities, Constanza Rojas, a 1st year student at the Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas school explains that "people think that our Access classes are just about sitting and writing all the time, but most of the classes are very didactic and entertaining and we can learn English in many ways".

In addition, to meet the objectives of the programme, the 31 young people had the opportunity to participate in different extracurricular activities such as a winter camp, a visit to listen to the La Serena Symphony Orchestra, a talk on climate change with the director of the UDD Sustainability Centre and a visit to the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.

Regarding these activities outside the classroom, Claudia González, local coordinator of the programme and English teacher in Paihuano, explained that "the programme also includes a series of extracurricular activities where students have the opportunity to speak and listen to English and that this is not only part of the classroom, but of a set of activities that allow them to learn this foreign language in a better way".

Elizabeth Araya, a student from the Liceo Mistraliano in Paihuano, highlights the visit they made to the El Tololo observatory. "Going to an observatory is not done every day and we also learned about how it works. Being in this programme is a great opportunity to learn a language that is needed all over the world," she says.

The progress made by the students this year has been remarkable, according to the principal of the Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas school, Ruperto Pizarro, "we have students who belong to Access who can maintain a fluent conversation. They can speak English better, they have improved their vocabulary and pronunciation, we are very happy with the programme.

Ana Ochoa, principal of the Liceo Mistraliano de Paihuano, shares the opinion of the Peralillo principal, since "the students have made progress and we can see it in the review of the evaluations, and we hope that with the implementation of the second year it will be even more significant". Regarding the programme, the principal considers it "a great opportunity that the whole educational community values very much".

Innovation is in the DNA of the We Learn English programme.

This quality was emphasised by the teachers, support professionals, management teams and the school principals of the 14 schools in Vicuña and Paihuano that are part of the early English teaching programme We Learn, which Fundación Educacional Oportunidad has been implementing for 12 years in the Elqui Valley.

Analysing data at classroom, school and Improvement Network level; sharing learning and successful experiences of schools; defining what a We Learn classroom and school is based on the work carried out in these two years by the Improvement Network; were some of the objectives of this 3rd Learning Session 2018 of the We Learn English programme.

Paulina Sepúlveda, English teacher from Vicuña, said: "I found this session very motivating and I really like these instances where we can share our experiences outside and inside the classroom. I love the spirit of camaraderie that is generated". Claudia González, local coordinator and teacher of the programme in Paihuano, said: "I am very happy to see that most of the schools have met the goals and that this session allows us to network and listen to the different advances in the teaching of English".

One of the activities that attracted the most interaction and opinions was defining what a We Learn school and classroom is. Teachers and directors defined it as: innovative and playful, sharing networking, involving families, promoting interactions, encouraging students to play a leading role in their learning process, involving the community in English, seeking to incorporate this foreign language in other subjects and making decisions based on their data.

Regarding the involvement of families, Macarena Matus, principal of the María Isabel Peralta rural school in Cochiguaz, said: "I think this programme is wonderful, because it is not only for the students, it also includes the parents so that they can participate in their children's learning. Many times when there are tests or activities they come to help us at school and that's wonderful.

Since 2017, the We Learn English programme of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad has incorporated the Continuous Improvement methodology, which is based on collaborative work, where each educational community tries out ideas for improvement in their own context, and after applying them, analysing them and studying their results, they make the necessary adjustments and if the idea is successful, they share it with their peers through the Improvement Network that accompanies the Foundation.

Susana Toledo, coordinator of the Foundation's continuous improvement area, explained that for 2019 "we want to maintain the achievements made with first and second grade, sustain the strategies and manage to install them in the educational community, and we also have the challenge of taking this improvement process to other levels such as third and fourth grade".

Susana Toledo, coordinator of the Foundation's continuous improvement area, explained that for 2019 "we want to maintain the achievements made with first and second grade, sustain the strategies and manage to install them in the educational community, and we also have the challenge of taking this improvement process to other levels such as third and fourth grade".

Pilot programme to boost English language teaching from the early years in Puerto Natales

The commune was chosen by the Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia to implement a pilot project for the early teaching of English from pre-kindergarten to 2nd grade in four schools in the commune.

As a way to promote early English language learning, the Undersecretary of Early Childhood Education, together with Fundación Educacional Oportunidad and the Municipal Corporation of Puerto Natales, will carry out a pilot programme during 2019 and 2020 in four schools in Puerto Natales, benefiting nearly 600 children.

This pilot programme will be implemented from pre-kinder to second grade by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad through its English programme We Learn, in the schools Baudilia Avendaño de Yousuff, Coronel Santiago Bueras, Capitán Juan Ladrillero and Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins. The objective is to strengthen, systematise and homogenise what English teachers in the commune have been working on for some years in the early teaching of this language. It is worth remembering that in Chile the teaching of English is part of the compulsory national curriculum from 5th grade onwards.

The Mayor of the commune, Fernando Paredes, highlighted that Puerto Natales was selected as a pilot for this initiative, "mainly because we are an area with tourist characteristics and where our main engine of development is to work with a foreign language. In that sense, I think it is essential that our children can opt for early English language learning," said the mayor.

The head of Cormunat, Silvia Ramírez, has a similar opinion: "we are a very touristy commune that needs to promote English beyond what the Ministry requires, which is why this programme gives us a little push to train our teachers and management teams with new strategies".

The head of Cormunat, Silvia Ramírez, has a similar opinion: "we are a very touristy commune that needs to promote English beyond what the Ministry requires, which is why this programme gives us a little push to train our teachers and management teams with new strategies".

The programme will level the teaching of English in the four pilot schools, so that all schools will receive 3 hours of English per week. In addition, teachers will be periodically trained in early teaching strategies and the management teams will be trained to accompany their teachers during the two years of the pilot. Along with this, the Foundation uses a methodology of continuous improvement to reflect day by day on the practices and perfect the strategies tested, in addition to exchanging experiences and knowledge through collaborative work in an Improvement Network.

"What stood out most about the training received from the Foundation was that they will encourage collaborative work with colleagues, as we often do not have the time to work as a team and also, this network could be extended beyond the region," said Eliana Pérez, English teacher at the Capitán Juan Ladrillero school, who last week participated in the first day of training given by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad.

The principal of the Coronel Santiago Bueras school, Eloísa Morales, explains that they were already developing their English teaching, but believes that the programme will help them move forward faster. "We needed a programme with a greater impact with the current trends in teaching. It's as if we've come to an agreement," she says.

The Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia is carrying out different pilots throughout the country in different subjects and in the case of English, one is in the commune of Santa Cruz with the Amco programme and the other in Puerto Natales with the We Learn programme of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad.

Talent, energy and creativity at the 9th English language school festival

Songs from films were performed this year in the ninth version of the "Singing Under the Stars", an English song festival held in Paihuano, where more than 60 students from 8 schools and the high school of the commune participated.

The 9th School English Festival "Singing Under the Stars" took place with great success and great motivation on the part of students and teachers of the Paihuano commune, where students from eight municipal schools that are part of the We Learn programme of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad showed all their artistic talent.

Cristopher Díaz is in 8th grade at the Jerónimo Godoy Villanueva school in Pisco Elqui and was part of the presentation of the film "Sync", where he performed the song "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. "I have participated on several occasions and all of us who participate are improving our level. The festival is very good because it allows you to learn more English, but through music," said the student.

Around 60 students from pre-kindergarten to 4th grade, from 8 municipal schools and the Mistraliano high school, gave life to this musical event, which was well attended by the community and local authorities, such as the mayor of Paihuano, Hernán Ahumada, who said that "this is the first year that we as a commune have organised the festival ourselves (previously it was organised by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad) and we were a little nervous, but everything went flawlessly". Regarding the teaching of English, the mayor thanked the Foundation "for the We Learn programme, which starts with the youngest children and which is so necessary in a tourist town".

This year's theme was "movie songs", from which the children demonstrated their singing skills and good command of the English language by performing classic songs such as "Under the Sea" from the movie The Little Mermaid, "Baby I Love Your Way" from Jumanji II or "I'm Still Standing" from the movie Sync as well as modern versions such as "Bamm" from the movie Zombies.

Focused on its objective of improving the quality of English teaching from the early years, with a strong emphasis on the oral expression of students, for the ninth consecutive year the teachers and directors organised this Festival, framed within the activities of the We Learn programme of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad.

In Chile, the Ministry of Education stipulates that children start learning English in fifth grade, while the We Learn programme implemented by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad in the Elqui Valley supports the teaching of English from pre-kindergarten with three hours a week and from first grade with five hours a week. New books are also provided every year, training is given to teachers and directors, and networking between schools in the communes of Paihuano and Vicuña is encouraged.

"We are pleased that teachers and principals are organising this activity that seeks to promote the learning of English through artistic activities that motivate students and entertain the community. Taking English out of the classroom is one of the objectives of our We Learn programme," said Marcela Marzolo, executive director of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad.

"English in harmony for our children".

This is the name of the free talk that international wellness expert Sonima Ferrufino will give for parents and teachers this week in the Elqui Valley.

Achieving conscious integration between school and family in relation to children's English language learning and new global educational and life strategies will be the central theme of the talk given by expert Sonima Ferrufino.

It will be a theoretical-practical and experiential talk, where he will explain the new needs and current educational opportunities. "We are going to do some practical exercises, as I am going to give tools that can be useful and applicable for both parents and teachers, and it will be experiential, as we will do some personal dynamics so that they can experience mindfulness (processes of awareness of the here and now)" explains Sonima Ferrufino, an international expert in holistic wellbeing with more than 16 years of experience.

The talk will seek to focus on the needs of receiving the English language in the face of new global demands and will work with attendees on new educational approaches that will allow them to be more aware of the processes involved in English language learning for children.

On the teaching of English, the expert points out that, "both Chile and the Elqui Valley are tourist places that need to generate links with the English language. Learning English should be a priority for everyone, not only for the Foundation or the school, but for parents and especially for the children, who should fall in love with learning it.

The talks will take place in the commune of Vicuña on Friday 26 October at 19:00 hrs. in the Casa de la Cultura and Municipal Library, then on Saturday 27 October in Paihuano at 10:00 hrs. in the Francisco Varela García Hall. The activity is supported by both municipalities, Fundación Educacional Oportunidad and Macmillan Chile.

Sonima Ferrufino de Herrera

A Panamanian national, Sonima is an international expert in holistic wellness with more than 16 years of experience in various holistic methods and certified in several countries such as: Colombia, Guatemala, Spain, Panama and several places in the United States. She is a speaker who also offers various workshops and spiritual retreats nationally and internationally, where she shares tools for inner transformation, innovative and integral for the being.

Effective strategies for teaching English presented at international seminar

The fifth version of the event will be held in La Serena and will feature exhibitors from England and Uruguay and workshops by leading national professionals. In addition, teachers will share their experiences teaching English to children with hearing impairment and tell details of how networks have become a space for collaboration.

One of the main economic activities in the IV Region is tourism, which generates the arrival of around 2 million tourists every year, 15% of whom are English-speaking foreigners. That is why mastering English is so necessary and its teaching from an early age is fundamental to promote the value of intercultural exchange.

In this context, the 4th International Seminar on English Language Teaching Expanding Opportunities was held for the first time in La Serena. The activity was a meeting point for teachers, school principals, heads of UTP, sponsors, academics and students of English language teaching, who learned about innovative and successful teaching experiences to apply both in the classroom and at school level. The meeting also presented experiences of both teachers and principals, involving different establishments such as cultural or musical events, which even involve the parents themselves.

The event featured two prominent international speakers who led plenary sessions and four experts who gave educational talks and entertaining workshops. The talk "Effective use of songs in the English class" by Luciana Fernández, learning and reading consultant at National Geographic Learning, kept all attendees attentive and engaged. "I hope that there will be more opportunities for teachers to get together, learn from others and not feel so alone. I am very happy to have been part of this event," said the presenter.

David Crabtree, Professor at the University of Westminster in London, was another keynote speaker and shared with the audience some models of inclusive learning and how they relate to good practice in the classroom.

María Escobar, English teacher at the Cardenal Caro school in Coquimbo, highlighted the level of both talks: "They were a very playful way of delivering the knowledge to us," she said, highlighting the Foundation's concern for early English language teaching.

In addition, there were poster presentations on successful experiences of teaching and learning processes of this language by teachers from different regions of the country. Martina Garay, a teacher from the commune of Coinco, O'Higgins Region, was one of these panelists and she showed the theatre plays that have been performed with her students in the commune. For her, this event "is incredible and showing what we do in such small communities to other teachers is very motivating".

In addition to the main presentations, participants were able to take part in one of four workshops: "Storytelling", "English through art", "Cultural events in English" and "Guidelines for effective English language management at institutional level", all of which were related to the main themes of the seminar.

Fernando Castro is a graduate in English Pedagogy from the University of La Serena and participated in the workshop "Guidelines for the effective management of English at the institutional level", one of the most requested of the day and considered it very good, "because in general it is always shown what to do in the classroom and this workshop sought to motivate management teams to work on English in a global way".  

Meanwhile, English teacher Katherine Galleguillos from the Abel Inostroza Gutiérrez school in Monte Águila, in the VIII Region, participated in the workshop "English through art" and said that "I really liked this workshop, a very interesting idea that aims to teach from the youngest children. The speakers were incredible and really give a boost to pedagogy".

The seminar is organised for the fourth consecutive year by Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, which for the past 12 years has been promoting the early teaching of English through its We Learn programme in the Elqui Valley. Marcela Marzolo, Executive Director of the Foundation explains that "this year we wanted to invite the participants to broaden their view of English teaching, showing that it is not only the responsibility of the English teacher, but of the entire educational community, who can get involved in the teaching of this language with very simple strategies. It is not enough to have successful teachers, good practices must be installed, for which leaders play a fundamental role".

The Fundación Educacional Oportunidad activity was carried out in conjunction with the Universidad de La Serena, with the collaboration of the British Council and National Geographic Learning and with the participation of Bukku Education, Grupo Educativo Inglesa, Colegio Cervantes and English Arts.

Column: English language teaching does not depend only on a good teacher

Quality classes and committed leaders are no longer enough. English language learning can be achieved when we also have an educational community that actively participates in the teaching of English, from the principals, to the management team, to the parents.

Much is said about how bad we are as a country at teaching English, but little is said about the successful strategies that are being implemented in various parts of Chile and that are enabling students, especially in municipal schools, to learn English from an early age.

When we invite parents to use simple words or ask their children questions and they answer in English, when we send them a whatsapp audio or a simple song communication for them and their children to practice at home, we are involving the family in the teaching process and in this way reinforcing day by day what they learn in the classroom. This is one of the successful strategies of teacher Claudia Gonzalez in Paihuano.

At the Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas school in Vicuña, headmaster Ruperto Pizarro - nominated as one of the 5 best teachers in Chile - is adding other subjects to language teaching. At his school, all teachers reinforce English by asking them to use the language to say hello, ask permission to go to the bathroom, ask for the floor, among other simple expressions. In this way, English is not just one more subject in the curriculum, but extends across the whole school.

When the objective of promoting the teaching of English becomes a communal goal, activities that involve students, teachers, parents and principals are achieved, as is the case in the communes of Vicuña and Paihuano in the Elqui Valley, where during the year they organise poetry contests, English spelling bees and song festivals, in order to include the entire school community and the commune in the teaching of this language. 

Quality classes and committed leaders are no longer enough. English language learning can be achieved when we also have an educational community that actively participates in the teaching of English, from the principals, to the management team, to the parents.

When we have the will and the ideas, but above all when we dare to try them, and even more, when after trying them we reflexively analyse the results and when we share these learnings with others who seek the same objective, we end up generating networking and learning communities.

Marcela Marzolo
Executive Director
Fundación Educacional Oportunidad

We Learn Net trains teachers and management teams in Coinco

Several trainings with the participation of English teachers and management teams from the four municipal schools of the Coinco commune, O'Higgins region, which are part of We Learn Net, as well as the communal Head of UTP, provided teachers with new strategies to increase exposure to the language outside the classroom, while together with the management teams they analysed the progress of their schools around the goals of the first semester.

These trainings took place in the framework of the first year of operation of the network of communes that promotes the teaching of English at an early age, where Coinco is the founding commune of the We Learn NET network, also composed of teachers and schools of the Elqui Valley. 

On 7 June a training session was held for the English teaching teams, focusing on strategies to increase exposure to the language outside the classroom. In this instance, the organisation of a cultural event for the end of August at the Chillehue School was agreed upon. The teachers will work together with the school's management team and head teachers to organise a talent show. The students will have the opportunity to showcase their language skills within the school community.

Regarding this activity, teacher Martina Garay, values the work carried out together with the management teams, because "in this way the We Learn programme is taken more seriously and English is considered a relevant subject within the curriculum. These meetings allow us to have a guide to know what to focus on".

On 28 June, a training session was held for the commune's management teams to analyse the schools' progress towards their goals and to review how the actions proposed by We Learn Net are in line with the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education for the subject. In addition, the first steps were taken together with the Head of the local UTP, Marlene González, to organise an English cultural event in which all the schools will participate, as part of the celebration of the anniversary of the commune in November.

This networking of the We Learn NET programme was appreciated by Marta Palacios, principal of the Chillehue School, who said: "the network works very well. The communication is good, and I also like the fact that they involve all members of the educational community in the work, so we get closer to the work of the teachers".