Red de Escuelas Líderes opens call for applications in search of new schools that are innovating for educational improvement
The call is for schools and high schools working in vulnerable contexts to present innovative projects that they are currently implementing. Among the benefits of being part of the network is the access to training instances on educational innovation and leadership with recognized national and international experts, the participation in collaborative instances and the high visibility of their school work through El Mercurio.
The purpose of the Red de Escuelas Líderes (REL), a 15-year-old initiative promoted by Fundación Minera Escondida, Fundación Educacional Arauco, Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Fundación Chile and El Mercurio, which brings together schools and high schools in a context of vulnerability throughout the country to work on educational improvement, is to make visible the innovative solutions that schools have deployed in multiple dimensions.
After a break due to the pandemic, this year REL is reopening its call to seek and incorporate new schools that are implementing projects that solve critical problems and, at the same time, seek to influence good practices that are sustainable over time and can serve as inspiration to other educational communities.
"The Network of Leading Schools trusts in the innovative capacity of the schools and their vocation to work collaboratively. The great value of this call is that its focus is not only to recognize the efforts of new members, but also to seek practices that can be replicated by other schools and, in this way, provide more and better learning opportunities for the students of the country", says Nadiezhda Yáñez, coordinator of Educational Leadership in Learning for the Future at Fundación Chile .
Marcela Sáez, Director of Development and Evaluation at Fundación Educacional Arauco, adds: "We see a great need to continue to make innovation visible in the country's schools. Innovative education is a key factor, because it allows us to put student learning at the center, changing routines, activities and processes, to achieve greater interest and connection with students".
José Antonio Díaz, executive director of Fundación Minera Escondida, points out that "promoting effective collaboration between educational establishments is fundamental in order to advance in practices that improve educational processes. We are living in times of profound changes, therefore, it is important to make visible and recognize innovative experiences that inspire and motivate educational communities to join the new challenges of education".
Along the same lines, Marcela Marzolo, executive director of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, adds that another valuable factor of REL is that it promotes innovation and collaboration in pursuit of a common purpose: the reactivation and transformation of education. In his opinion, this collaborative work "constitutes a tremendous opportunity to overcome the challenges left by the pandemic, through peer learning and the generation of collective intelligence that will undoubtedly make possible the generation of more creative and effective ideas and solutions for the benefit of the children and youth of our country. We also believe that they favor the generation of new teaching practices, the adaptation to collaborative work and, therefore, the development of new professional competencies", he emphasizes.
Benefits of REL
Among the benefits of being part of REL are access to training opportunities such as workshops, lectures and seminars with recognized national and international experts to address issues of school leadership and educational innovation, along with priority invitation to courses for the professional development of management teams and teachers. Also, participation in networking instances for the generation of public products and high visibility of their school work through educarchile and El Mercurio.
"Education has been a leading topic of public debate in recent decades, but in many cases it has lacked the value of the real experiences of educational communities. For a newspaper like El Mercurio, it is of great interest to inform readers about the best practices and initiatives that are promoted -from the educational establishments themselves- to face the challenges of teaching, especially in vulnerable environments", says Carlos Schaerer, director of El Mercurio.
The application must be made through this form on the website of the Network of Leading Schools until August 15. Schools that receive state subsidies, belong to the "low", "medium low" or "medium" socioeconomic group, according to the last SIMCE measurement and that have innovative initiatives in execution that are relevant to the territorial reality may participate.
Projects can be assigned to one of the four categories of the call for proposals: Pedagogical Innovation, which includes strategies of acceleration of learning for educational reactivation; School and Community, which groups initiatives of revinculación and promotion of educational trajectories, strategies for teacher welfare, school coexistence and mental health; School and Citizenship, which classifies initiatives to promote participation, global citizenship and/or cultural diversity, and Transversal Themes for the 21st Century, such as projects for the development of transversal skills.
It should be noted that the selected schools and high schools will receive public recognition at the ceremony for joining the Network of Leading Schools to be held in October, a milestone where they will be welcomed and will meet the other members of the network.