
The Continuous Improvement Methodology considers, as part of its essence, to constantly evaluate both the implementation of programmes and the results of pedagogical practices and children's learning.

Since its inception, the Foundation has managed innovative education programmes with a high level of commitment and rigour. In this line, we have placed emphasis on evaluation, both of processes and results, in order to continuously improve and understand their impact on children's learning and teachers' practices, as well as to learn lessons that allow us to improve.

A Good Start Programme:

A Good Start was subject to a rigorous pilot evaluation during the period 2008-2011 in the Metropolitan Region.

The design of the evaluation, which measured the impact on children's learning and pedagogical practices, was carried out by Harvard University and implemented by the Centro de Políticas Comparadas en Educación (CPCE) of the Universidad Diego Portales.

Once this phase was completed, and with the start of a new phase of UBC, during 2011 and 2012, data were collected for a new study by CPCE, this time with a quasi-experimental design.

Since then, the Foundation has continued to evaluate all cohorts and the data has been used both to feed back into the process and to measure impact.

We Learn Programme:

Since 2012, the Foundation has been conducting external evaluation processes with the objective of knowing the impact of the program on the English learning of its students. These processes have involved students from 4th and 6th grade in different years of implementation. 

We have worked with Asesorías para el Desarrollo, Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de La Serena and Grupo Educativo Inglesa, who have elaborated, applied and processed the results of standardized tests following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference. These results, together with qualitative measurements and internal process evaluations, have allowed the program to improve its design, rethink its objectives and work formats, in order to continue collaborating with schools throughout Chile to strengthen the teaching of English in public education in the country.