Our Team

Our team is made up of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the field of education.


Executive Team

Roberto Molina Fuentes

Deputy Manager Administration and Management

Commercial Engineer from the Mariscal Sucre University, Diploma in Human Resources Management from the University of Chile. "I am deeply motivated by the knowledge that my work and my profession contribute to improving the education of children in our country.

A Good Start

Perla Chávez Spuler

Head of Programme and UBC Network

History and geography teacher from the Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, with a postgraduate degree in psychopedagogy from the Universidad Central. Specialisation as an expert in improvement from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

"Working at the Foundation allows me to contribute a grain of sand to my dream of creating a better society, to generate networks that collaborate with a common goal, to share learning and experiences and above all to provide tools that allow us to advance in the opening of new and better opportunities for our children. They are the daily driving force behind what we do.

Carolina Zúñiga Valdés

Coordinator of Networks and Supporters

Early childhood educator with a specialisation in communication and language disorders from the University of Valparaíso. Master's degree in management and leadership in educational management from the Andrés Bello University.

"My motivation for working in education is children and their dreams. For me, the teaching profession is the one that can bring about changes in the culture and beliefs of a society, and can diminish the great social gap and increase opportunities".

Cristina Sepúlveda Miranda

Program Coordinator and Supporters

Early childhood educator with a specialisation in language, initial communication and initial mathematics from the Universidad Católica del Maule.

"I have always been interested in working with the youngest children, and I have come to understand more and more how important it is to develop and strengthen skills from the earliest years. This is why the Foundation had such an impact on me, as it allows me to contribute to the improvement of early education.

Alexandra Frías Aldunate

Field Coordinator

Professor of biology and science at the Universidad de Playa Ancha and Education Sciences. Master's degree in curriculum development and educational projects from the Andrés Bello University, diploma in Neurosciences for learning at the University of Santiago.

"Working in education is a spiritual and vocational necessity, so I am proud to be an active part of one of the fundamental pillars of our society, which is education".

Constanza Gahona Lizama

Field Coordinator

Social worker at the Andrés Bello University.

"I am interested in working to contribute to improving the quality of education. At the Foundation I am struck by the way they work and present the results clearly and with real data.


Carla Garrido Herrera

Field Coordinator

Early childhood educator from Arturo Prat University. Postgraduate degree in special and differential education from Iplacex.

"On a day-to-day basis, I am very inquisitive and curious, and working at the Foundation allows me to continue researching, learning and acquiring the necessary tools for the benefit of the children".

Valeria Romero Huencho

Field Coordinator

She has a degree in Education from Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA), a Diploma in Strategic Management of Educational Institutions, a Diploma in Educational Leadership and a Master's Degree in Management and Leadership for Educational Management from Universidad Andrés Bello.

"Working in education is a great responsibility, staying with children on a constant basis has confirmed to me that early education is fundamental since there is a permanent and continuous process of social relations and quality interactions during their first years of life. Being part of the Foundation gives me the opportunity to learn something new every day, to improve myself and to be able to acquire the necessary tools to help children to obtain significant learning through enriching experiences.

Issa López López

Field Coordinator

Early Childhood Educator, Bachelor of Education from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Diploma in Education for Diversity at the Instituto Profesional de Chile.

"Since I was a child I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. Today, that dream has come true and I am happy to be able to contribute a grain of sand to empower children in their knowledge and learning from another area of early education.

Tania Venegas Poblete

Field Coordinator

Early Childhood Educator, Bachelor's Degree in Education from Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Diploma in Educational Leadership and Diploma in Management of Educational Institutions, Universidad San Sebastián.

"My main motivation for working in early childhood is to change the social paradigms that exist about kindergarten education, to convey the importance of enhancing skills that impact their development, both cognitive and emotional, to make their main educators aware that their first emotional bonds should be nurturing and pro-positive, taking into account that they are subjects of rights and deserve to grow in safe and well-treating environments. All in virtue of promoting a full and happy development, in which it is allowed to contribute new learning from their first experiences of socialization and play".

Allison Muñoz Salazar

Field Coordinator

Early Childhood Educator Bachelor in Education - Pontificia Universidad de Valparaíso (PUCV) Master in Early Childhood Education, mention in Didactics of Mathematics and Language - Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) Diploma in Evaluation for Learning - Universidad de Viña del Mar (UVM) Diploma in Didactics for Curricular Articulation - Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) Diploma in Theoretical-Practical Foundations for the Generation of Educational Proposals - Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB)

"My main motivations are focused on the promotion of innovative education, oriented towards its constant updating and full commitment to the learning process of children".

We Learn

Fernanda Herrera Orellana

We Learn Programme Manager

English teacher at the University of Santiago de Chile and graduate in Project Based Learning with implementation of decree 67 and
Certification in Inverted Classroom Strategies from the Chilean Association of Neurolearning.

"Working at the foundation allows me to actively contribute to the education of people. From my experience I can share and transmit the value of language as a tool that not only functions as a window to the knowledge of the world and its cultures, but also as a way to know oneself and achieve a continuous integral development".

Karla Raipán Ferrada

We Learn Coordinator

English Teacher and Bachelor in Education, Universidad de Concepción. Master in Curricular Innovation and Educational Evaluation, Universidad del Desarrollo. Diploma in Instructional Design for Online Education, EduChile Foundation, Diploma in New Public Education; Meanings, Scope and Keys for its Implementation, Alberto Hurtado University. Advanced Certificate in English (CAE), Cambridge English Examination.

"Throughoutmy professional experience, I realized that, as a society, having a strategic view of development is fundamental. However, for this, all the individuals that make up the society must be considered. Through the work that is done in the Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, we can leave installed skills, capacities and strategies that allow each of the members of society to be participants in contributing to the development of our community. Thus, collaborative work and the commitment to contribute and grow in public education is key to develop as individuals and as members of our environment".

Cristina Ramos Nina

We Learn Coordinator

English teacher and Bachelor of Education from the Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación. Master in Curricular Innovation and Educational Evaluation from the Universidad del Desarrollo and International Teaching Certification "Teaching Knowledge Test - Young Learners" (Knowledge about teaching English to children and adolescents).


"I am deeply passionate about the subject of education, from when you plan a lesson, to the making of it, to the children responding with an "aaahhh", it is just wonderful the whole process of children learning."

Diego Aldana Bravo

We Learn Coordinator

High School Teacher of English and Master in Teaching-Learning English as a Foreign Language (TESOL), Universidad Metropolitana Ciencias de la Educación. Diploma in Cultural Management, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Specialist in PBLL (Project-based Language Learning).


"Since the beginning of my teaching career, I have detected shortcomings in the way of teaching the language, so I was faced with the task of innovating and changing the paradigm from the point of view of motivation. 

By applying a new project-based methodology, I was able to see significant changes in school performance. In order to disseminate and replicate this dynamic, I was determined to train more teachers with my experience, and thus motivate more students to learn English".


Yanira Alée González

Head of Attendance

Social worker from the Universidad Católica del Maule, family mediator and Master in family sciences from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Specialisation as an expert in improvement from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

"I am proud to work in the Foundation, whose essential focus is on the children in early education in our country and the importance of working to expand their opportunities through the empowerment of learning that will be key to their future".

Yali Horta Hurtado

Management Assistance and Support Coordinator

Professor of General Basic Education and Bachelor's Degree in Education, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Master in Educational Sciences with concentration in Elementary Education/ESOL, University of Miami. 

"I am convinced that education allows us to improve our present and future as a democratic society. From my role in the Foundation, I seek to contribute to the integral development of each student in the diverse educational communities of our country".

Claudia Carnot Chávez

Assistance and Data Management Coordinator

Sociologist from Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, with a specialization in Data Science from Academia desafío Latam.

"I believe that the foundation of social change towards a country with fewer opportunity gaps is based on the focus on the children of our country.
That is why working for the strengthening of a solid early education through proven interventions in the field of social sciences, I am passionate not only as a professional but also as a person, where I feel I am contributing in a tangible way towards the construction of a more just society".

Natalia Cabezas Órdenes

Program Coordinator Assistance

Early Childhood Educator from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with specialization in specific language and speech disorders from the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. 

"I deeply believe in early education as a mobilizer of academic and social success of people and it fills me with happiness to know that my work contributes to the welfare and integral development of children in our country. Throughout my career and with the purpose of contributing to early education from different spaces, I have specialized in the implementation and accompaniment of programs aimed at improving the quality of education in the first years of life".

Education Management

María Virginia López Butrón

Head of Education Management Area

Psychologist from the Universidad de Los Andes, with a diploma in educational psychology from the same university. Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming. Trainer of "Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI)" and "Train-the-Trainer Pre-k Program", both given by Teachstone.

"Working at the Foundation has been a unique opportunity to put all my skills and knowledge into practice. However, the best thing is being able to be part of the observation of the results obtained through years of designing strategies that contribute to improving children's development".

Paula Armijo Núñez

Education Management Coordinator

Early Childhood Educator from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Diploma in Project Based Learning with implementation of decree 67 and
Certification in Inverted Classroom Strategies from the Chilean Association of Neurolearning.

"Almost 10 years working at the Foundation have marked my professional career. I joined convinced that here I could contribute to improving the quality of education in vulnerable contexts and thus give more and better opportunities to children in our country.

Genoveva Farias Munzenmayer

Education Management Coordinator

Early childhood educator from the Andrés Bello University. Post-graduate degree in psycho-pedagogy and diploma in learning difficulties from the Universidad Central. Diploma in Project Based Learning with Implementation of Decree 67 and Certification in Inverted Classroom Strategies from the Chilean Association of Neurolearning.

"I always liked teaching, but especially working with children from vulnerable sectors. I joined the Foundation motivated not only to work teaching children".

Tatiana González Díaz

Education Management Coordinator

English teacher at the University of Arts and Social Sciences, Master in Curriculum Development and Educational Projects at the Andrés Bello University. "For me, education has always been a great challenge and a fundamental factor for the development of our society. Working in this foundation has allowed me to contribute to this task, providing tools to help our schools and teachers. In addition, I have been able to develop as a professional and enhance my skills".

Transfer of Learning

Yael Codriansky Rodríguez

Head of Learning Transfer Area

Molecular biotechnology engineer from the University of Chile. Master's degree in curricular innovation and learning assessment from the Universidad del Desarrollo. Diploma in quality management systems from Bureau Veritas.

 "I enjoy working to mobilize beliefs and ways of doing things in adults, both at the classroom and management level, and observing children's innate joy of learning." 

Giovanna Méndez Saluzzi

Learning Resources Coordinator

Early childhood educator from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master's degree in Quality Educational Management from the Universidad de Los Andes and postgraduate degree in Human Resources Administration from the Universidad de Santiago.

"I am motivated to propose and carry out new challenges in the service of children and their families, seeking in this process the opportunity to form people who are capable of freely developing their own life projects".

Lorena Espinoza Espinosa

Learning Transfer Area Coordinator

Early Childhood Educator from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Diploma in teaching in higher education at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 

"I joined the Foundation happy to find an institution that works in what I am passionate about: kindergarten education, with clear evaluation instruments and a focus on vulnerable children.

Joselyn Manríquez Arancibia

Coordinator of the Link with the Environment

Journalist, Bachelor in Social Communication and Master in Communication Sciences with a specialisation in Strategic Communication, from the University of Santiago de Chile.

"I have always felt a vocation for communications and education. It motivates me to know that I can contribute from these areas to the Foundation's relationship with the environment and to the organizations with which its team of professionals works collaboratively".

Danae Aravena Benavides

Continuing Education Coordinator

Sociologist from the Universidad de Concepción, Master (c) in Latin American social studies from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Specialization course in participatory methodological tools for territories. Latin American Center for Rural Development. Specialization course on socio-productive networks, Epyca Foundation and University of Buenos Aires.

"My main motivation for working in early childhood education is the conviction that a comprehensive and quality education is the main tool to generate profound socio-cultural changes in society, which are fundamental to impact the present and forge a better future."

Continuous Improvement

Pablo Muñoz Lucero

Head of Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

Sociologist and Political Scientist from Universidad Diego Portales. Master in Methods for Social Research from Universidad Diego Portales. Master's Degree in Statistics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Master's Degree in Education with mention in Measurement and Evaluation of Learning from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Specialization as an expert in improvement of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Diploma in Impact Evaluation of public programs and policies. Institute of Economics PUC.

"At the Foundation, the specific problems faced by public educational establishments are addressed in a systemic way, and the emphasis is not only on the children.

Susana Toledo Valdebenito

Continuous Improvement Coordinator

Teacher of basic general education at the University of La Serena. Master's degree in management and leadership for educational management, diploma in educational policies and strategic management of educational organisations from the Andrés Bello University. Specialisation as Improvement Expert from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

"During my professional development I have observed teachers and management teams with a great need and motivation to enhance their leadership skills."

María Elena González Raggio

Data and Logistics Coordinator

Professor of French at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

"I came to the foundation with the enthusiasm of collaborating in a non-profit institution. Here I am in charge of tracking data and organising the logistics of all the events of the Un Buen Comienzo programme.

Javiera Sotomayor Graber

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation Coordinator

Sociologist from the Universidad Diego Portales. Currently studying for a diploma in Data Science at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

"I have always been passionate about the idea of continuing to develop myself as a professional convinced of being part of the change factor, characterized mainly by a continuous interest in learning and the social impact of decisions."

Rodrigo Castillo Reyes

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation Coordinator

Sociologist from the Catholic University of Chile, Master in Economic Analysis and Diploma in Impact Evaluation of Public Policies at the University of Chile; specialized in International Cooperation for Development and Initial Education.

"Social segregation and the unequal distribution of resources negatively affect the right to access quality education from the first years of life. That is why I am motivated to be part of Fundación Oportunidad, because through evaluation and continuous improvement we can make concrete contributions that help to generate a fairer and more inclusive education system".


Juan Herrera Alarcón

Head of Communications

Journalist from the Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales (ARCIS), diploma in strategic communications management from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

"I have always been convinced that education is the main tool to end the country's inequalities and to be part of a project that contributes with so much love and dedication to that goal makes me very proud.

Claudia Cañas Vargas

Production and Logistics Coordinator

Advertising technician with mention in graphics from Esucomex, diploma in community management, Universidad Mayor.

"Since I was a teenager I did volunteer work with children at social risk in vulnerable areas of our capital. I have always believed that we can give them a better future and be a better country. That's why I joined the Foundation, motivated by the commitment to promote equality and quality education for our children".

Claudia Bustos Riquelme

Corporate image coordinator

Multimedia Graphic Designer at the ARCOS Professional Institute.

"I came to the foundation motivated mainly by the work they do for children in early childhood, in quality and equitable education. I hope that my contribution in graphic design will benefit them and the whole team".

Jacqueline Otey Águila

Media Coordinator

 Journalist from the U. Bolivariana, with a diploma in Journalism Update at the Pontificia U. Católica de Chile. During more than 20 years of journalistic work, I have worked in written and digital media, publishing world and institutions focused on overcoming poverty and linked to early education.

"A few years ago, having a meaningful job became a personal goal and, fortunately, issues such as the value of early childhood and education burst into my work life. Over time, I have seen how important it is for children to receive quality education. They have the right to learn and develop, always under the guidance of a team of professionals who give them a leading role.

Administration and Management

Jessica Ampuero Ferrada

Administration and Management Coordinator

Chartered Accountant and Diploma in Financial Planning and Control.

"I am proud to belong to the foundation for its contribution to the education of children in our country, I think it is essential in the early years for future development."

Rosa Castro Palacios

Secretary Santiago

English teacher at the Universidad Técnica del Estado and bilingual secretary at the Manpower Institute

"I am motivated to work at the Foundation because of its dynamism. The different teams are always facing challenges that lead us to always want to be at the forefront of developing quality education for all children in our country in the area of early childhood education.

Teresa Espinoza Meneses

Secretary Rancagua

Social technician of the Liceo Técnico A4.

"For me it is very important to be part of this Foundation, as I feel that every day we are doing our bit for a better education".

Ricardo Vidal Muñoz

Administrative Assistant Santiago

"Entering the world of education has been a completely new experience, and although I work in the area of administration, I feel that I am contributing in some way to improving the quality of education for the children of our country".

Sujey Gacitúa Luengo

Administrative Assistant Rancagua

Technician in nursery education at the IPG Rancagua Institute.

"I work at the Foundation because I feel that I can contribute a little bit to the education of many children in our country, apart from the human quality, the work support and the desire to continue learning, make me fall in love with my work more and more".