Seminar will present innovative approaches to address school improvement


International and national experts will hold presentations in order to support educational communities to reduce learning lags in the context of educational reactivation.

In the auditorium of the Nicanor Parra Library of the Diego Portales University, next Tuesday, October 10 between 09:00 and 14:00 hrs., the International Seminar "Learning to implement school improvement: An urgent task" will be held. The event, co-organized by C Líder: Associative Center for Educational Leadership and Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, will feature the participation of Donald J. Peurach, Ph.D. of the University of Michigan and former Superintendent of the Sacramento City Unified School District, California, Jorge Aguilar. In addition, the event will share three initiatives that are developed within the framework of the work carried out by C Líder.

Donald J. Peurach is Professor of Education Policy, Leadership, and Innovation in the University of Michigan School of Education. He is also a member of the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching, an associate professor at the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, and a senior research fellow at the University of Michigan's Consortium for Policy Research in Education.

For his part, Jorge Aguilar served as Superintendent of the Sacramento City Unified School District until June of this year. There, he was responsible for more than forty thousand students, leading processes that managed to improve learning outcomes and graduation rates, reducing non-attendance and repetition.  Previously, he served as Associate Superintendent in the Fresno Unified School District and was Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational and Community Partnerships. He currently serves on the board of the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Education.

"Based on the principles and practices of the science of improvement, at C Líder we are carrying out various innovative initiatives to support educational communities and their supporters in the work they do to reduce learning lags, mobilize subjective well-being, and enhance the educational trajectories of students. In this Seminar we want to share these experiences and our learnings from their implementation," said the executive director of C Líder and PUCV Educational Leaders, Carmen Montecinos.

In addition to the international guests, the seminar will feature the participation of various professionals from C Líder. Mónica Cortez and Felipe Aravena will present "Thinking about educational improvement planning in short cycles: The challenge of building a collective improvement mentality". Carlos Eugenio Beca will present "Training of systemic leaders: Learning to work collaboratively for a better education". Finally, Yael Codriansky, from Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, will present "In search of continuous improvement oriented to the Quality Assurance System in Early Childhood Education".

About the event, the executive director of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Marcela Marzolo, pointed out that "when we talk about school improvement we refer to an entire system that must be able to identify changes that result in an improvement and at the same time sustain those changes and make them part of the system. This is not achieved from one day to the next. It requires new skills and this is what the speaker Jorge Aguilar will share. Their experience in developing these continuous improvement skills, from the intermediate level, and the impact this can have on improving student learning. We are sure that it will be a tremendous contribution to education in our country."