Por Un Chile que Lee launches the second version of Reading Time 


Chile is preparing to immerse itself again in the wonderful world of books with the second edition of Reading Time. This initiative, organized by the Network for a Chile that Reads in the framework of the commemoration of International Book Day, seeks to promote the habit of reading at all ages and highlight the cultural and educational importance of books in our lives. The invitation is to join the Reading Hour this April 23, between 12:00 and 13:00 hours, reading any book from wherever you are and to mobilize in the face of the reading lag of children.

"Reading Time is a special occasion in which we invite all citizens to dedicate at least one hour of their day to reading. Whether enjoying a book at home, in the park, on public transport or in their workplace, we want everyone to immerse themselves in the pages of a good story and experience the pleasure and benefits of reading," said Carolina Andueza, Executive Director of Fundación CMPC and President of the Executive Committee of Por un Chile que Lee. 

Event Details:

Date: April 23, 2024

Time: 12.00 to 13.00

Place: Wherever you are!

How to participate?

Choose a book that you are passionate about or one that you have always wanted to read.

Dedicate at least an hour of your day to reading.

Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #HoraDeLaLectura and encourage others to join in too and upload a photo tagging @porunchilequelee

Why is reading important?

Reading is an activity that not only entertains us, but also enriches us culturally, helps us develop critical thinking, improves our ability to understand and transports us to imaginary worlds. In addition, it encourages empathy, improves concentration and reduces stress. The benefits are countless!

Join the Celebration:

This year, more than ever, we need to reconnect with the pleasure of reading and value the fundamental role that books play in our lives. Join us on April 23 and celebrate Reading Time.

For more information, follow us on our social networks at @Por a Chile that reads