We arrived in Antofagasta seeking to promote Early Childhood Education and contribute to the educational reactivation of the area


Through the Building Social Value Program, we signed an agreement for education and childhood in the region, together with the Association of Industrialists of Antofagasta (AIA). The initiative seeks to provide first-class training to early childhood educators who are part of the training programs.

Within the framework of the Building Social Value Program, Fundación Educacional Oportunidad signed an agreement for education and childhood in the Antofagasta region together with its strategic ally, the Association of Industrialists of Antofagasta (AIA). The initiative seeks to promote Early Childhood Education and contribute to the educational reactivation of the region.

Marcela Marzolo, executive director of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, indicated that "through this strategic alliance with the Association of Industrialists of Antofagasta (AIA), we will provide first-class training to early childhood educators in the region, training them in effective interactions in the classroom, through a course with international certification and a leadership diploma." He added that "this will improve the quality of learning for children in the region."

These programs will be delivered free of charge to early childhood educators throughout the Antofagasta region. One is the Diploma in Leadership for Continuous Improvement of JUNJI/VTF kindergarten directors and the other is the IME (Interact Effectively) Continuing Education Program focused on quality interactions in early education.

The diploma course will focus on developing leadership skills for continuous improvement in directors and educators of kindergartens and nursery schools via transfer of funds (VTF) and in Early Childhood Education coordinators belonging to the sponsors.

"Our objective is for students to learn the methodology of continuous improvement and its relationship with the Early Childhood Education Quality Assurance System and its instruments, as well as to implement a project that responds to real and contextualized needs of the educational unit and territory, among other important contents," says Yael Codriansky, head of the Learning Transfer Area of the Opportunity Educational Foundation. 

Fundación Educacional Oportunidad will also teach the Continuing Education Program "Interact Effectively" (IME), which addresses interaction as the main pedagogical tool of the learning process, from an early age. "The educator and the pedagogical team must ensure that the interactions between them and the preschoolers constitute a favorable scenario for well-being, learning and integral development," explained Yael Codriansky.

The head of the Learning Transfer Area indicated that the organization, in collaboration with the EarlyEdU Alliance, which is a prestigious alliance of the University of Washington with professionals from the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL), will allow international certification to be delivered to the educators in the region who will be part of the Program. "The objective is to improve access to first-level, relevant and effective academic courses for professionals who work in early education, and thus impact the improvement of the quality of education in the Antofagasta region," he says.

This program will help students enhance pedagogical practice, specifically, the interactions between educators and preschoolers that take place in the classroom, understand what effective interactions are and their role in the development and learning of girls and boys. In addition, to identify effective interactions and learn to apply them in the classroom.