We launch the "Super Assistance" storyset


With the aim of creating a culture of permanent attendance at classes from the earliest years of children, we present 4 books that are available for free download for all establishments in the country.

Download the books at the following links:

01.- The Return

02.- Emotions in Colors

03.- The Orchard

04.- The Orchestra

Children's stories are, in most cases, the first approach of preschool children to concepts such as friendship, solidarity, respect, among others. Through the characters, who face and solve challenges, they incorporate different learnings.

With this background, Fundación Educacional Oportunidad developed a new project: Include in the books "Super Asistencia", the heroine who visits educational establishments to promote attendance at preschool education and who is part of the organization's successful strategies.

"The return", "Emotions in colors", "The orchard" and "The orchestra" are the stories that make up the set that were publicly presented in the commune of Renca this Thursday, June 30.

Yanira Alée, head of the Assistance Program of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, explained that "children's stories are a concrete and understandable way to transmit important messages to children in their early childhood. By incorporating the relevance of school attendance into simple, engaging stories, they can better understand why it's important to attend kindergarten and school every day."

He also explained that "although at this age it is the families who finally decide whether or not to send their sons and daughters to kindergarten and school, the motivation factor of the children also has an important weight. Many times they are the ones who ask their mothers or fathers to take them."

For his part, the mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, stressed that improving school attendance must be a joint effort. "We need to understand this as a society, and it is very nice that we are united in it, the management team, the educators, the parents, the foundation, the municipality, it is a good example of how we have to make an alliance that involves all of us. In Renca, we have understood that the best thing we can do as a community is to encourage girls and boys to attend classes, especially in preschool education, and for this reason, we proposed this year to generate an incentive for attendance, the Pre-K Bonus within the framework of the Grow in Renca program, regardless of whether they are from public or subsidized private establishments," Said.

In addition, and with the aim of reaching the largest number of theaters throughout Chile, the 4 books will be available for free download on the website fundacionoportunidad.cl in PDF format.

Natalia Cabezas, early childhood educator and coordinator of the Assistance program of Fundación Educacional Oportunidad explained that "if we link the usefulness of the Super Assistance stories with the Curricular Bases of Early Childhood Education, we can work on learning objectives related to the comprehension of literary texts, acquisition of new vocabulary words, enjoyment and enjoyment of reading, oral expression and communication of topics of interest".